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St. Patrick's Prize Giving - Press Release
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St Patrick’s College, in the top 5% of non selective schools in Northern Ireland, had over 85% achieving five GCSE grade C and above.


“Every parent wants to see their son or daughter completing five years at post primary with a good set of GCSE results which include English and Maths. We are able to say to parents; in St Patrick’s College your son/daughter stands the best chance possible to achieve this. Over 85% of our students obtained at least five GCSEs at Grade C. This is an outstanding achievement.

But the key achievement is to ensure that GCSE English Language and Mathematics is among those subjects.  That is the all-important statistic, and St Patrick’s College is celebrating the fact that 65% of our students achieved five or more GCSE grade C and above  including GCSE English and Maths. We are justifiably proud of ourselves and are  building upon this achievement  day by day.”

 “Those achieving Five or more GCSE passes including GCSE English and Maths not only far surpassed the average for non selective schools but surpassed the average for selective/non selective  schools together.!” 

Guest speaker Mr Plunkett Campbell Chairman of the SELB paid tribute to the great work going on in St Patrick’s. He applauded the academic excellence evident in this year’s results and paid tribute to the strength of the  partnership of parent ,pupil and teacher.  To date, within one year, the SELB have invested over half a million pounds on refurbishment. This has ensured that the pupils in St Patrick’s College can be educated in an up to date environment, accessing an increasing array of innovative technology.





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