St. John's P.S. Virtual Prizegiving 2020 |

St John’s Primary School, Gilford
Congratulations to all the P7s from St John’s. You are a credit and an inspiration to us all. Well done to all the staff too for working in such trying circumstances. It’s such a disappointment for both of our primary schools that they can’t celebrate their P7s as they usually do. We are a very proud parish to have two such wonderful primary schools. You can now watch the virtual prizegiving 2020 video to find out who the recipients of this year’s awards are. . Well done to everyone on their achievements whether you won an award or not.
We are so proud of you all.
"I could never have imagined that the year would have ended this way but I hope that this will be a nice memory for the P.7’s to take with them. We are all so proud of everything that the children (and parents!) have achieved under such difficult circumstances this past few months and hopefully we can get back to some sort of normality come September!" Mrs.Sorcha Lyness - Principal