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Christmas Greetings from Archbishop Martin PDF Print E-mail

Christmas Greetings from Archbishop Eamon Martin

18 December 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As the days of Advent draw to a close, I wish you a very happy Christmas and many blessings for the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025.

I am most grateful for your dedication and commitment and for the generosity of your support during this past year.

There couldn’t be a better time for a Jubilee Year of Hope! We live in a world where anxiety, doubt and sometimes even despair, often appear to have the upper hand.

It is sad that so many people go through life without realising in a personal way that God loves them as they are. Others find it difficult to believe in hope and love because of the present state of the world – surrounded as we are by so much war, violence, exploitation and displacement of people, human trafficking and attacks on human dignity and life. All the more reason, however, for us who believe to be fearless ambassadors of faith and hope; energetic peacemakers and supporters of the cause of all human life; carers for the sick and those with disabilities; consolers of the lonely and the bereaved; faithful stewards and protectors of the environment and all God’s creation; generous helpers of the poor, the homeless and the marginalised; and welcoming friends for migrants and refugees.


When Pope Francis announced the Jubilee Year for 2025, he invited us to become ‘pilgrims of hope’. He reminded us of the words of Saint Paul who said, “hope (in Christ) does not disappoint”.

I pray that during this Jubilee Year 2025 there will be many graced opportunities for you personally, and for all the people of the Diocese of Dromore, to grow in our personal friendship with Jesus Christ who is our reason for living and our reason for hoping.

I attach a copy of my Pastoral Message for the launch of the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025 which will take place on the weekend of the Feast of the Holy Family 28-29 December 2024. I will be formally launching the Jubilee Year at 6.00 pm Vigil Mass in Newry Cathedral on 28 December. Of course you would be most welcome to come along, or to tune in over Webcam, or to spiritually join your prayers with mine on this special occasion.

God bless you always.

Archbishop Eamon Signature
Eamon Martin
Apostolic Administrator of Dromore

P.S. This year, in lieu of Christmas cards and postage, I’m making a donation to Trócaire and to the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre for their work in Gaza and the Holy Land etc.




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