St. John's Primary School, Gilford held their Annual Prize giving event on Thursday 25th June.
Congratulations to all the pupils who are a credit to their teachers, parents and guardians.
Congratulations also to the staff of St. John's who are all looking forward to a well earned summer break.
First on the agenda was the awarding of medals for Sport's Day. Just a couple of photos here to give a taster of the day

Best girl and boy athlete

Awards for the Eco Warriors - those pupils who are diligent in their duties of re-cycling and keeping the school eco-friendly. Mrs Teggart also got a medal and a lovely plant for her sterling efforts.

Award for Best Attendance in the 7 years.

Mrs. Power announced the winner of the Foundation Award.

The Foundation Award

The Endeavour Award

The I.N.T.O. award

The Music Award was shared

Special Achievement Award

A very happy bunch pf P7's

The Best Attendance awards

The Best boy and girls athletes

The Swimming Awards

Don't know what this award for for!

The Foundation Award - she could have won this for her smile alone!

The Eco Warriors

The Endeavor Award

The Individual Award Winners.