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Jubilee Concert 91

In 1991, a spectacular concert was staged as part of Canon John Treanor's Golden Jubilee Celebrations.

The following photos have been extracted from the video of the concert and, while they are not of the best quality, I think they will bring back some fantastic memories.



The Ravens, featuring a very young Harry Convery and Armand Gaillard were the first to perform

Harry Convery

Armand Gaillard

The pupils of St. John's Primary School, Gilford recited a couple of poems under the expert direction of Miss McCooe

and a couple of songs under the direction of Miss Marley


The Girls Guides kept us all entertained

Noel getting entangled in the many wires - ably assisted by Finbar Finnegan

A young Lynn Jordan sang solo

and also a duet or two with Orla O'Dowd

The Clare COMMA performed "Phil the Fluter" - L-R Briege O'Dowd, Jane Lavery, Joanne McEvoy and Shirley McDonnell

Gavin McEvoy enjoyed playing Mickey Mulligan inviting the Widow Cafferty (Claire Lavery) for a dance

In the background were three veery glamorous "sisters" - Maeve O'Dowd, Fionnuala O'Dowd and Ciarin Cairns

L-R Front Row Gary McEvoy, Jane Lavery, Gavin McEvoy, Claire Lavery, Peadar O'Dowd, Joanne McEvoy, Aoife Morgan

Back Row: Caitrona O'Donnell, Maeve, Fionnuala, Ciarin

Claire Lavery, Joanne and Brian McEvoy lead "We are the World"

In the back row some rising young stars - Emer O'Dowd, Caitriona McDonnell, Maire Ciarns, Cathy Lavery and Noeleen McEvoy.

To the right we have Mark McEvoy and Jane Lavery

Dionne Feeney represented St. Colman's Bann P.S.

Brendan Monaghan plahyed with the Clare traditional Group

Ciaran O'Kane, Fiona Prentice, Martin McEvoy, Ciarin and Maire Cairns, Roisin Cairns, Aisling Turley and Fionnuala O'Dowd

On the right Briege O'Dowd and Liam Cairns add to the music with Diarmuid O'Kane

Noeleen McEvoy, Katherine Miller, Amy Knip, Aisling Turley and Brenda McCann with some Irish Dancing

The DRY ICE told us there was something special in store.

Finbar Finnegan and Markin Kelly bring us back to the "Fifties"

Fr. Des Loughran shocked us all with his entrance as Cliff Richard

L - R Bill Monaghan, Tony Byrne, Fr Des, Finbar Finnegan and Martin Kelly

Arlene Feeney and Claire Finnegan

Margaret Convery, Margaret Johnston and Jean McCartan

Rosemary McGrannm Eithne Gaillard, Dinah McAlinden and Maureen Byrne.

In the background we have the 'Kalin Twins'  - Tony Byrne and Jim Campbell

A very young Irene Moore was in the audience!

and her Aunt Monica Hamiill

can that be our Laurencetown Organist - Colum McGarry beside Nora Jordan?

Fr. Matt McConville

I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane.

If you would like a copy of the tape - now transferred to DVD, e-mail me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it




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