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Noel's Nestlings

In the 1970's Laurencetown Youth Club was one of the
premier Youth Clubs in the Southern Board.

Its home was the much-loved 'Bosco' on the Holymount Road
and it boasted over 70 members.

With almost no facilities, but with plenty of heart, Laurencetown Youth Club
produced regular discos, competitions, dance competitions, outdoor pursuits, a camogie and netball team and most importantly, staged three fantastic concerts.

Noel McEvoy produced the concerts - hence the name Noel's Nestlings!

Even to this day, some members still say
'I was one of Noel's Nestlings!'

Ten of the LYC members and leaders even undertook a sponsored walk - to Dublin!

Laurencetown Youth Club was really the fore-runner to the present
Tullylish Youth Group as most of the present members of TYG are children of the members of LYC.

So, sit back and take a trip down memory lane as you view the photos.

Thanks to Marguerite McAvoy and Paul Monaghan for the photos.

Recognise anyone?

Five of the present leaders of TYG

Centre back row, the present principal of St. Colman's Bann P.S. was but a boy!!

Back row, second left - Paula Jordan

Extreme right - Noel McEvoy with little sister Catherine to his left.

Front row centre - an angelic Lynn Laverty (white top) and third across from Lynn an even more angelic Marguerite McAvoy


Reading the news are
"The Two Ronnies"
alias Tom Barry and Pat Campbell

Mairead O'Hagan and Tom Barry
in a scene from 'Mary's Sister John'

The sponsored walk from Laurencetown to Dublin
which took 3 days and raised £1000 for Spina Bifida.





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