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In memory of Barry Moore

Barry Moore


Barry was born as Joseph Finbar Moore on the 23rd July 1958, the 5th child in a family of six to Joe and Eileen Moore. The family home was Cranny Road in Bleary and Barry attended primary school in nearby Lylo before progressing to St. Paul’s Secondary School in Lurgan. As a young child of 4, while playing with the other children on Cranny Road, Barry was seriously injured in a traffic accident and spent 20 weeks in Lurgan hospital with 2 broken legs amongst other injuries.

After leaving secondary school at 16, Barry had a few jobs as a general tradesman including working at Moypark, Ulster Brick and Gilford Mill.

He met his wife Rosemary at a gathering in his Uncle Oliver Moore’s house in Gilford and then again at Fr. Conway’s weekly disco in the hall. They married in St. John’s Church, Gilford on 3rd November 1979 and set up home in Woodlands where they remained for the next 30 years. They moved to Dunbarton Bungalows 8 years ago.

Barry had many hobbies including horse-racing (he enjoyed a flutter), snooker and fishing. He loved animals and found it hard to pass a pet shop without bringing something home! He loved music and followed the showbands but his all time favourite was Johnny Cash.

His 8 grandchildren were the light of his life.

Ten years, Barry became ill and life took a different path for him. Once a very outgoing person, always doing things with the family, he didn’t feel up to it anymore and rarely left the house because he hadn’t the freedom to what he wanted. Then in July 2017, his health took an even more dramatic turn when he was diagnosed with cancer.

One of Barry’s favourite sayings was ‘it all ends in the Clare’.

Barry’s life ended at 1.00am on Thursday morning and, as he said, ‘it all ends in the Clare’.




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